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Yogscast Jingle Jam 2019

■ Ended ... Started   ( Sold: 81,716 )

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  • Activation deadline ⏰
Titles📖🏆cards% positive reviews$
tier 1: $5
Twitch $5 Shout-out on Yogscast Stream001
Unspecified Platform Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Animated Calling Card
tier 2: $30
1 Screen Platformer 1 Screen Platformer 
900232 8802.99
A Glider's Journey A Glider's Journey 
10024 7539.99
Adventure Boy Cheapskate DX Adventure Boy Cheapskate DX 
Animal Super Squad Animal Super Squad 175365 8119.99
Anomaly 2 Anomaly 2 
656397 77*1314.99
Anomaly Defenders Anomaly Defenders 
205369 75*69.99
Anomaly Korea Anomaly Korea 
355211 72*104.99
Anomaly Warzone Earth Anomaly Warzone Earth 
426938 85*159.99
Anomaly Warzone Earth Mobile Campaign Anomaly Warzone Earth Mobile Campaign 
395190 78*94.99
Artemis: God-Queen of The Hunt Artemis: God-Queen of The Hunt 
0013 7607.99
Balancelot Balancelot 
10065 9317.99
Bastion Bastion 
macOSLinuxSteamdb icon💾
24527417 95514.99
Battlevoid: Harbinger Battlevoid: Harbinger 
170890 8009.99
Border Force Border Force 
34031 5809.99
Cathedral Cathedral 
390262 77214.99
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Chivalry: Medieval Warfare 
49844840 83724.99
Clatter Clatter aka Space Chess aka Project:tile 12101097 8219.99
Colt Express Colt Express 
00107 5316.99
Company of Heroes Company of Heroes 
Steamdb icon
0810722 94*819.99
Crusader Kings II: Dynasty Starter PackCrusader Kings II: Dynasty Starter Pack 
Crusader Kings II Crusader Kings II 161872384 90*230
Crusader Kings 2 Cont Crusader Kings 2 Cont 00...0...
Crusader Kings II: South Indian Portraits 5 Year Anniversary Gift Crusader Kings II: South Indian Portraits 5 Year Anniversary Gift 00261 7200
Crusader Kings II: African Portraits Crusader Kings II: African Portraits 0025 7202
Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods  $000166 78*615
Crusader Kings II: Sword of Islam Crusader Kings II: Sword of Islam 00125 64*210
Crusader Kings II: Legacy of Rome Crusader Kings II: Legacy of Rome 0098 70*35
Crusader Kings II: Way of Life Crusader Kings II: Way of Life 00192 76*28
Crusader Kings II: Ruler Designer Crusader Kings II: Ruler Designer 00260 29*25
paradox dummy app sub/103631 paradox dummy app sub/103631 00...0...
Dead by Daylight - Curtain Call Dead by Daylight - Curtain Call 00918 8606.99
Dead by Daylight - Of Flesh and Mud Dead by Daylight - Of Flesh and Mud 001150 7906.99
Dead by Daylight - Spark of Madness Dead by Daylight - Spark of Madness 002653 9206.99
Deadlight Director’s Cut Deadlight Director’s Cut 320741 72111.99
Dino Run DX Dino Run DX 
498994 95225.99
Downtown Drift Downtown Drift 
40212 8403.99
Draw Your Game Draw Your Game 43012 6614.99
Dreadlands Beta Dreadlands Beta 
$0⚙️α / βSteamdb icon
0049 550...
Drink More Glurp Jingle Jam Challenge Drink More Glurp Jingle Jam Challenge 00...0...
GUILTY GEAR Xrd -REVELATOR- (+DLC Characters) + REV 2 All-in-OneGUILTY GEAR Xrd -REVELATOR- (+DLC Characters) + REV 2 All-in-One does not include optional DLCs 029.99
GUILTY GEAR Xrd REV 2 GUILTY GEAR Xrd REV 2 4277479 94*230
GUILTY GEAR Xrd REV 2 Upgrade GUILTY GEAR Xrd REV 2 Upgrade 00190 89*11
Additional Playable Character DIZZY Additional Playable Character DIZZY 0032 9305
Additional Playable Character KUM HAEHYUN Additional Playable Character KUM HAEHYUN 0017 9405
Additional Playable Character RAVEN Additional Playable Character RAVEN 0020 9002
Hero Defense Hero Defense 338467 67229.99
Invisible, Inc. Invisible, Inc. 
23104881 91119.99
Kalaban Kalaban 26542 6494.99
Kingdom: New Lands Kingdom: New Lands 
macOSLinuxSteamdb icon
3489451 86*1014.99
MetaMorph MetaMorph by FireFly Studios, 2017 31033 8109.99
Misadventures of Laura Silver Misadventures of Laura Silver 
206197 8607.99
Motorsport Manager Motorsport Manager 
73610806 91219.99
Must Dash Amigos Must Dash Amigos 
26015 8006.99
Nemo Dungeon Nemo Dungeon 
11020 10004.99
Ninja Senki DX Ninja Senki DX 
26667 7904.99
Omensight Omensight 
3491137 88019.99
Partial Control Partial Control aka Brain Hack 
Potatoman Seeks the Troof Potatoman Seeks the Troof 
215222 84223.99
Pumped BMX + Pumped BMX + 220211 8569.99
Rapture Rejects Rapture Rejects 
001747 39*119.99
Rebound Dodgeball Evolved Rebound Dodgeball Evolved 
Red Horizon Red Horizon 
4034 3800.99
Red Orchestra 2 RetailRed Orchestra 2 Retail includes single player game app/236830=i/2155 *4...
Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer  $01401024072 93020
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad - Single Player Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad - Single Player 290...0...
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad - Single Player DLC Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad - Single Player DLC 00...0...
Rogue Rocks Rogue Rocks 
Scanner Sombre Scanner Sombre 
002678 9125.99
SkyScrappers SkyScrappers 
Songs of Skydale Songs of Skydale 
Stories: The Path of Destinies Stories: The Path of Destinies 
3761883 87114.99
Super Chicken Catchers Super Chicken Catchers 
0030 70017.99
The Window Box The Window Box 
6033 87112.99
Throne of Lies®: Medieval Politics Throne of Lies®: Medieval Politics 
0102718 7641.99
Two Point Hospital: Jingle Jam Jingle Jimjams Two Point Hospital: Jingle Jam Jingle Jimjams 00...0... 00550 8903.99
Unspecified Platform 41% OFF
Unspecified Platform Neverwinter: Vestments of the Wind Pack
Humble Bundle ScourgeBringer DEMO
Unspecified Platform Star Trek Online: Federation Elite Starter Pack
Humble Store Two Point Hospital - 70% Off Humble Store Coupon
67 items 26 with cards191$601.75

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A list of nearly every Steam key game bundle published since Humble Indie Bundle #1 in 2010.
30972 games and items in 6819 bundles from 78 stores. Comprehensiveness is the goal, therefore the inclusions of bundles or stores are not endorsements. For recommendations, visit /r/GameDeals.

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% positive reviews User Reviews

Percent of positive reviews from players that bought the game on Steam. If you purchased a key from a bundle or another store, your review would be excluded from this score. Games that do not have at least 10 reviews will not have a score. Click the review score to view the full listing of reviews.

cards Steam Trading Cards

Total number of Steam trading cards in the set. You'll receive half that number of cards from playing for several hours, e.g. if the set has 5 cards, you will receive 3 cards as you play.
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✽ Bundle Count

Number of times the game has been in a bundle. Some bundles listed on Barter are not included in this count due to price or other aspect of the bundle. Not counted list.

US$ Retail Price

The non-discounted US Steam store price from the appdetail API. For global prices, see