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The bundle contents are prone to change, but the Barter entry for it will not be updated.

Titles📖🏆cards% positive reviews$
single tier: $2.99
A Girls Fabric Face A Girls Fabric Face 90178 83122.99
Endless Horde Endless Horde 
197163 6550.99
Foreign Legion: Buckets of Blood Foreign Legion: Buckets of Blood 
230237 64103.99
Kalaban Kalaban 26542 6494.99
Lucid Lucid 110111 7964.99
Naval Warfare Naval Warfare 05183 58140.99
RIP RIP by Elephant Games, 2007 00243 65*124.99
Startide Startide 
25010 6059.99
The 39 Steps The 39 Steps 205414 81180.99
No longer included
123 Slaughter Me Street 2 123 Slaughter Me Street 2 130144 9263.99
A Detective's Novel A Detective's Novel 0590 7781.99
Agent Awesome Agent Awesome 39553 67130.99
Alter Army Alter Army 
0011 9064.99
ANKI ANKI 0663 77130.99
Battleplan: American Civil War Battleplan: American Civil War 95671 60129.99
Bomb The Monsters! Bomb The Monsters! 05199 78120.99
Chernobyl Commando Chernobyl Commando 
00505 22199.99
Chicken Shoot Gold Chicken Shoot Gold 08187 66*1012.99
Chronology Chronology 06483 9094.99
Control Craft 2 Control Craft 2 610257 7180.99
Crime Secrets: Crimson Lily Crime Secrets: Crimson Lily 
245256 74814.99
Deep Eclipse Deep Eclipse 05151 74170.99
Defense of Egypt: Cleopatra Mission Defense of Egypt: Cleopatra Mission 0524 70126.99
Dino Run DX Dino Run DX 498997 95225.99
Dreamscapes: The Sandman - Premium Edition Dreamscapes: The Sandman - Premium Edition 0089 78116.99
Drunken Fight Simulator Drunken Fight Simulator 05156 7234.99
Earth 2140 HD Earth 2140 HD 05228 60*96.99
Elven Legacy Elven Legacy 00125 75*144.99
Escape This Escape This 55125 5820.99
Extravaganza Rising Extravaganza Rising 0731 6435.99
Fall of the New Age Premium Edition Fall of the New Age Premium Edition 0064 53106.99
Football Club Simulator - FCS #21 Football Club Simulator - FCS #21 180178 6839.95
FootLOL: Epic Soccer League FootLOL: Epic Soccer League 
159684 82189.99
Foreign Legion: Multi Massacre Foreign Legion: Multi Massacre 430178 65114.99
Gold Rush! 2 Gold Rush! 2 
01212 5837.99
Gold Rush! Anniversary Gold Rush! Anniversary 
0965 66124.99
Gold Rush! Classic Gold Rush! Classic 01070 88152.99
Gorky 17 Gorky 17 010877 84*149.99
Green Ranch Green Ranch 35518 6180.99
Guns of Icarus Online Guns of Icarus Online 84998235 91*154.99
Heli Heroes Heli Heroes 0677 46*76.99
Hexus Hexus 0019 7874.99
Hills Of Glory 3D Hills Of Glory 3D 0011 7234.99
Horizon Shift Horizon Shift 12523 8694.99
Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising 05161 95172.99
Iesabel Iesabel 480433 28134.99
Incandescent Incandescent 156115 7690.99
Jane Angel: Templar Mystery Jane Angel: Templar Mystery 0028 5075.99
Jet Racing Extreme Jet Racing Extreme 
12974 64113.99
Knights and Merchants Knights and Merchants 062579 86*159.99
Krinkle Krusher Krinkle Krusher 12018 5532.99
League of Mermaids League of Mermaids 16027 7486.99
Luxuria Superbia Luxuria Superbia 
0074 8656.99
Millennium - A New Hope Millennium - A New Hope 526166 7375.99
Namariel Legends: Iron Lord Premium Edition Namariel Legends: Iron Lord Premium Edition 
0058 89126.99
Nary Nary 37553 8831.99
Noob Squad Noob Squad aka Search & Kill ☠ 
05381 4270.99
Normality Normality 0577 8972.99
Off-Road Drive Off-Road Drive 00491 6574.99
One Finger Death Punch 2 One Finger Death Punch 2 6363621 9687.99
Operation Lone Wolf Operation Lone Wolf 
7039 5865.99
Pirates of Black Cove Gold Pirates of Black Cove Gold 
Pixel Puzzles 2: Space Pixel Puzzles 2: Space 55573 9494.99
Playing History - The Plague Playing History - The Plague 8554 81316.99
Playing History 3 - Vikings Playing History 3 - Vikings 
27558 79316.99
President for a Day - Floodings President for a Day - Floodings 
9555 7439.99
Project Pulsation Project Pulsation 0564 5164.99
ReignMaker ReignMaker 
123635 74714.99
Risky Rescue Risky Rescue 
96224 8190.99
Rover Rescue Rover Rescue 
00129 33144.99
Septerra Core Septerra Core 08545 82*187.99
Sky Mercenaries Sky Mercenaries 27545 6859.99
Snake Blocks Snake Blocks 
0016 7564.99
Space Codex Space Codex 75228 8750.99
Square n Fair Square n Fair 05150 8663.99
Stonerid Stonerid 378158 67144.99
Streets of Fury EX Streets of Fury EX 00597 9639.99
Super Golf 2018 Super Golf 2018 
34028 7522.99
True Bliss True Bliss 0016 56105.99
Truffle Saga Truffle Saga 0024 54111.99
Viki Spotter: The Farm Viki Spotter: The Farm 
298067 8633.99
Violett Violett 216530 59149.99
Winexy Winexy 166132 6844.99
Wooden Floor Wooden Floor 0025 56151.99
World Keepers: Last Resort World Keepers: Last Resort 8664 7053.99
Z Z classic RTS Game by the Bitmap Brothers 25111071 78136.99
9 items 4 with cards22$34.91

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A list of nearly every Steam key game bundle published since Humble Indie Bundle #1 in 2010.
31093 games and items in 6848 bundles from 78 stores. Comprehensiveness is the goal, therefore the inclusions of bundles or stores are not endorsements. For recommendations, visit /r/GameDeals.

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% positive reviews User Reviews

Percent of positive reviews from players that bought the game on Steam. If you purchased a key from a bundle or another store, your review would be excluded from this score. Games that do not have at least 10 reviews will not have a score. Click the review score to view the full listing of reviews.

cards Steam Trading Cards

Total number of Steam trading cards in the set. You'll receive half that number of cards from playing for several hours, e.g. if the set has 5 cards, you will receive 3 cards as you play.
Learn about trading cards. Card data (cached daily) provided by

✽ Bundle Count

Number of times the game has been in a bundle. Some bundles listed on Barter are not included in this count due to price or other aspect of the bundle. Not counted list.

US$ Retail Price

The non-discounted US Steam store price from the appdetail API. For global prices, see