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Bundles 3

Xbox Game Pass ↗︎

■ Ended ... Started

This subscription page is no longer updated here.

  • Subscription
  • Region excluded 🚫
Titles📖🏆cards% positive reviews$
Xbox One >observer_000
Xbox 360 A Kingdom for Keflings000
Xbox Live A Plague Tale: Innocence000
Xbox 360 A World of Keflings000
Xbox One Age of Empires Definitive Edition000
Xbox One Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition000
Xbox Live Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition000
Xbox One Age of Wonders: Planetfall000
Xbox One Agents of Mayhem000
Xbox One Alan Wake000
Xbox 360 Alien Hominid HD000
Xbox One Alien: Isolation000
Xbox One Alvastia Chronicles000
Xbox Live Among Us000
Xbox One Ape Out000
Xbox One ARK: Survival Evolved000

Games with Gold ↗︎

■ Ended ... Started

This subscription page is no longer updated here. With purchase of Xbox Live Gold subscription, claim and download selected games.

  • Subscription
Titles📖🏆cards% positive reviews$
Xbox One Aerial_Knight's Never Yield000
Xbox 360 Sacred 2 Fallen Angel000
Xbox One The Flame in the Flood000
3 items

EA Play Xbox One+PS4 ↗︎

■ Ended ... Started

This tracking page is no longer updated here.

  • Subscription
Titles📖🏆cards% positive reviews$
PlayStation 4 A Way Out000
Xbox 360 Alice: Madness Returns000
Xbox One Anthem000
PlayStation 4 Anthem000
Xbox 360 Army of Two000
Xbox One Battlefield 1000
PlayStation 4 Battlefield 1000
Xbox 360 Battlefield 1943000
Xbox 360 Battlefield 3000
Xbox One Battlefield 4000
PlayStation 4 Battlefield 4000
Xbox One Battlefield Hardline000
PlayStation 4 Battlefield Hardline000
Xbox One Battlefield V000
PlayStation 4 Battlefield V000
Xbox 360 Battlefield: Bad Company000


Stores (50 active bundles + 19 perpetual)


📖 Collections

Icons indicate if you own or want the games.These will appear if signed in.
📚 library; ★ wishlist; ⇄ tradable; X blacklist; ⇌ traded; ⌫ revoked; 📋 scratchpad

% positive reviews User Reviews

Percent of positive reviews from players that bought the game on Steam. If you purchased a key from a bundle or another store, your review would be excluded from this score. Games that do not have at least 10 reviews will not have a score. Click the review score to view the full listing of reviews.

cards Steam Trading Cards

Total number of Steam trading cards in the set. You'll receive half that number of cards from playing for several hours, e.g. if the set has 5 cards, you will receive 3 cards as you play.
Learn about trading cards. Card data (cached daily) provided by

✽ Bundle Count

Number of times the game has been in a bundle. Some bundles listed on Barter are not included in this count due to price or other aspect of the bundle. Not counted list.

US$ Retail Price

The non-discounted US Steam store price from the appdetail API. For global prices, see